Active Intelligence and Email Appending

Active Lead Intelligence

Track your Customers 'Beyond the Clicks'

Venusemedia Active Lead Intelligence simplifies lead generation process through powerful campaigning and tracking. Our email campaign platform can get more leads through personalized one-to-one email communication and get qualified leads. Here's how Active Lead Intelligence can help you:

Simplify campaign execution - Our versatile application with its unmatched performance allows you to execute high volume personalized email campaigns with ease

Ensure real time tracking - Active Lead Intelligence can easily measure all visitor interaction on an email campaign. It automatically tracks the clicks, opens, reviews, un-subscribes, etc and publishes detailed reports

Enable corrective action - Based on the campaign report, you can make necessary modifications to your campaigns in order to improve the response

Optimize lead scoring - This application lets you create and customize a qualification process; set up tasks according to your process; filter and score leads according to rating, lead source, and next actions

Automate lead monitoring - Qualified leads filtered are immediately sorted for subsequent follow ups

Venusemedia's integrated active lead intelligence capabilities give you a complete lead-driven online solution for your business. You can gain real time intelligence on the leads while the campaign is in progress.

Our intelligent lead sharing initiative also provides you with Prospect Intelligence through our large master database.

Email Append and Data Append Services (Reveres appending)

Connecting with your lost customers

Email marketing continues to be an increasingly popular channel for many companies. Economical, quick and easy

to personalize, email marketing offers the opportunity to provide customers with a genuinely individual experience,

improving the success rates of future marketing campaigns. If your customer database doesn’t include emails, Venusemedia's email appends matches your business customer names and addresses to our extensive data pool and discovers their most current deliverable email addresses.

This matching allows you to email your customers about your products and services on an ongoing basis. Moving your customer relationships online will enable you to:

Dramatically reduce your communication costs

Increase the effectiveness of your communications

Improve the content and frequency of messaging

Communicate in your customer's preferred medium

Move your delivery of services to an online format

The Process:

With Venusemedia email append, you can accurately append your B2B file with email address, phone numbers, and deep business demographics that will provide you expanded reach at a lower cost. Check out the way the email append process works:

Step 1 - Hygiene and Standardization:

We will receive and standardize your customer file, including company name, to ensure the highest possible match rate.

We will remove duplicate records and apply standard address hygiene, including CASS. We work with most data formats,

and your information will always be protected within our secure system environment. If your file is missing data elements

we can append email address, contact names, titles and other business demographic information to each record.

Step 2 – Email match and Topologies:

We identify the domain used for email by your contact's company. We use permission based topologies in appending email address. Your contact's email address is derived by following the topologies for their company’s domain.

Step 3 – Validation & Verification:

After creating an email address for your contacts we manually verify each and every appended email address for deliverability:

- Confirm the Email Address Accuracy

- Allow the Recipient to opt-out

- Control Quality

Note: You provide the email copy and content of the message and we will transmit it as part of the validation and verification

process. This is an optional service

Step 4 - File Delivery:

All validated and delivered email addresses and opt-outs are returned to you. You are only charged for the valid and

delivered addresses. Expected match rates do vary between 70% - 85% for B2B email appending

- Data Enhancement Append Phone/SIC/NAICS/Revenue/Size

- Data De-duping & Cleansing Dedupe, Cleanse all information to your list

 - Extra Contact Appending Add Extra Titles, Specify Target Titles

 - Reverse Appending  Append all missing information to your email list.

Call 765-577-5747 or email us to see how you can manage your list without heavy investment on time and resources