Thank you for your interest in Venusemedia's email append service. We understand that for a first time appender there are many questions you may have. Here are the answers to the questions we receive most frequently about our email append service.

•  How long does your append process take? 
•  What is the size of your database and how often is it updated?
•  What is your average append rate for a b2b file? 
•  What is your average append rate on a consumer file?
•  Where does your data come from? 
•  What is an opt-out message?
•  How long does the opt-out process take? 
•  What is the average opt-out rate? 
•  Who sends the opt-out message to the newly appended email files? 
•  How am I billed? 
•  What is the Venusemedia guarantee? 
•  How long is an email address valid? 
•  Does the email append process breach consumer privacy? 
•  How much does it cost to perform an append? 
•  Do you have a minimum order?
•  Do you charge a setup fee? 
•  How can I find out more? 

•  How long does your append process take?  
We proudly offer one of the fastest turnaround times on append files. Upon receiving your data we require 7 - 10 days to complete the total append process and return your data. In some cases we have been able to reduce that time to 24 hours when necessary. Because of our relationship directly with the nation's largest data consortium, we are not required to "pass" our data to several different locations. This results in a more efficient process and faster service. 

•  What is the size of your database and how often is it updated? 
Our database consists of over 38 million Business records and over 50 million consumer records with email addresses. This gives us the greatest potential to successfully match missing addresses to contact records in your file. Our database is updated on a daily basis.

•  What is your average append rate for a b2b file?  
For B2B files we achieve an average of 40-90% successful matches. 

•  What is your average append rate on a consumer file? 
Currently we are experiencing 25-40% match rates on consumer-related files. Our match rates continue to grow with the foundation of our data. 

•  Where does your data come from? 
Our database has been populated through relationships with quality web sites and licensing arrangements with warranty services for brand name manufacturers. The data from these sources has been combined into one comprehensive database making our data management and append process more efficient. 

•  What is an opt-out message?  
An opt-out message is often sent to newly appended email addresses to establish contact for the first time via email. This message lets the recipients know to expect future communication via email from your company. It also offers recipients the opportunity to remove themselves from your email list if they should choose. The act of sending an opt-out message is a fairly standard practice for email appends customers.

•  How long does the opt-out process take?  Top 
After your customer database is appended, you may wish to have us send an opt-out message. We recommend 2 weeks for the complete results of any opt-outs. However, we do not require a specific time for this process before we can return your appended data. Since approximately 90% of opt-outs come within the first 3 days, we can return your data and forward any subsequent opt-outs as they are received. 

•  What is the average opt-out rate? 
The average removal rate in an opt-out mailing ranges from 2-4%, but the resulting opt-outs from an opt-out mailing can depend on a few factors. These factors include how well you've established a relationship with the customers on your database and the benefits they perceive by being included in your email list. The manner in which the opt-out message is constructed will also play a role. 

•  Who sends the opt-out message to the newly appended email files? 
Venusemedia  can send your opt-out message. However, some clients prefer to make their own arrangements for their opt-out mailing. We offer our append clients the option to handle this portion themselves if they wish at a higher price. 

•  How am I billed? 
We invoice based on the quantity of successfully matched records. In order to know the number of successful matches we must first append the database. In an effort to help our clients stay within budget we can place a cap on the total amount of successful matches and stops the process once the limit is reached.

•  What is the Venusemedia guarantee?  
Venusemedia guarantees the deliverability and accuracy of all appended records. If for any reason you should receive a bounce-back or have an erroneous email we will issue you a credit for those records. Because people move and cancel email accounts this guarantee is good for 14 days from the day you receive your newly appended data.

•  How long is an email address valid?  
It is generally expected that an email database of customers will show 1-2% turnover each month as people move, change jobs or switch Internet providers. This is a great reason to make sure your append provider has data that is updated regularly. We also provide continuing services to help keep your email records valid and up-to-date. 

•  Does the email append process breach consumer privacy? 
In order to append a database we require that your contact data be collected from your customers. According to current marketing standards, there is an implied consent established between a business entity and its customers. This implied consent makes it OK to market or establish communication through all available channels. This implied consent can be revoked by the customer through the opt-out process.

•  How much does it cost to perform an append? 
For a fast quote please call or email a Vnusemedia appends representative at info@venusemedia.com . Please make sure to provide your project details including: the size of your database, the nature of you database file, time frame for completion along with your contact information. A representative will respond promptly. 

•  Do you have a minimum order?   
We do require a minimum order size of $3,999

•  Do you charge a setup fee? 
No. Even on small orders we offer a price per appended record that is all-inclusive. There is no additional set up fee. 

•  How can I find out more?  
Are you planning an email append to grow your marketing database? If so, send us the email and we will put you in direct contact with one of our data consultants.


Below are the commonly asked questions by our clients

How is your opt-in information collected? What do the contacts “opt-in” for (email, phone call, etc.)?

As per our business policy 5.4, we can include only email address to those who have provided
consent or opted-in to receive information from third parties based on their interest. Please
check the following sources and list compiling process

We compile data from different sources including trade show organizers, B2B magazine
publishers Computer & Console and others. However, we do not depend on any of these sources to convert the list
into opt-in. The “opt-in” process is done in -house and our in-house telemarketing team and
email confirmation team works on checking the authenticity of the data and most importantly
converting these contacts into a pre-qualified or opt-in data. Without their consent to
communicate with third parties, their contact details cannot be included in our master file. All
of these contacts have been verified and confirmed opt-in by our in-house team and we do not
do any other entity for this process

Opt-In flow chart Diagram

With these 11 steps Venusemedia ensure not only the accuracy of the data

but the opt-in process. These processes ensure that an individual provides permission or consent to

receive information from third parties and that s made very clear to an individual. Please check our

privacy policy

Please check our privacy policy

Opt-in Method

- We use our telemarketing and email survey campaign departments to verify the records and

confirm that the permission pass as well. We update our data minimum of twice a year to four

times a year using the email surveys or by sending information via email based on their

interest. The choice of opt-out includes “reply with „remove in subject line”, 800 number,

postal address and clicking on automated link to opt-out. All the contact fields are “opt-in”

If the list is re-useable and if so how many times? Our lists are re-usable.

Most importantly, our lists are provided for your perpetual and unlimited usage. XYZ Company

will own the data. We do not have any strings attached about how many times it can be used,

the list is yours and XYZ Company can decide about the usage and how many times it needs

to be used.

Please note, we provide an optional service to XYZ Company by which XYZ Company can

convert the lists into an exclusively permission based list for XYZ Company. We will deploy

permission letter on behalf of XYZ Company which is in compliance with emails laws.

Respecting their privacy we seek their permission to communicate with XYZ Company. XYZ

Company will have access to both unsubscribe list and the contacts who are ready to

communicate with XYZ Company. XYZ Company can expect no more than 3% of unsubscribe

with this process. The lists are now exclusively permission for XYZ Company.

Do you rent the list or is it available for purchase? Are updates included?

With Venusemedia we provide with both the options to Rent or Purchase. If you purchase it comes it

two free updates within twelve months of acquisition. With this process, we will replace invalid

contacts with valid contacts.

Once the list is rented/purchased who owns the contact information?

If the list is rented

(a) Venusemedia will own the data

(b) XYZ Company will own only the responses contact details like leads, clicks, opens and

unsubscribe but not the entire lists

If the list is purchased,

   a) XYZ Company will own the entire database with contact name, company name, job

title , street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, fax number, SIC Code,

Industry Vertical, employee size, revenue size, web domain and email address

b) Venusemedia provides two free updates with the lists acquired within twelve months of


Date contact information was last confirmed and how often data is “scrubbed”?

With every record we provide verification date and our lists are scrubbed and verified only in

every 60 days to 90 days based on the frequency of the data sold. However, before any

delivery the files or contact information are verified.

As per our bounce back policy – We guarantee at least 85% to 90% of email accuracy with any lists

and any bounces more than 15% and 10% will be replaced within seven working days with new contacts.

How many names per company are supplied?

It really depends on your requirements. As data compilers we maintain multiple contacts

within companies. For some companies we have only one company and other companies may

range upto 100 and more. However, XYZ Company can specify how many counts should be

limited to and we follow your instructions.

If company name list is supplied to you append it?

Yes, we can append contact information for the list of company names provided. Please

provide few company names for a free appending test.

Any metrics from the list? (i.e. open rate)

We follow industry standards of open rates of up to1% to 3%/ campaign. However, we offer

guaranteed open rates program and price is accordingly

Guaranteed 5% to 12% of open rate – Cost varies based on guaranteed open rate

Guaranteed click through rates – up to 7% - varies based on guaranteed open rate. Click

through are those who not only opened the email but clicked on some of links provided in

     the HTML campaign.